
How To Make Yourself More Employable

How To Make Yourself More Employable

If you’re looking for a new job, the likelihood is that you’re already aware that the job market has cooled somewhat, and opportunities aren’t as plentiful as they once were. And with Glassdoor suggesting that each corporate role has around 250 applicants and only around 4-6 getting a callback for interviews, the competition is fierce whether you’re looking for a role in the finance sector, an entry-level fast food position, or you want to find a customer-facing position.

Each industry and sector is going to be as competitive as the others, and the competition for those seemingly elusive vacancies means you, as the candidate, need to be on top of how you present yourself and your suitability, as well as understand what you bring to the table for each position you apply for.

This means you need to position yourself as the most suitable candidate for the job and then substantiate it with relevant experience and qualifications. Doing so means you can stand out among the multitude of applications on the recruiter’s desk, and these tips can assist you in achieving that.

Gather Experience

When it comes to relevant experience, it’s not just about having experience for a specific role. It’s about having a diverse range of experiences that can make you the best candidate. These experiences can come from various areas, such as your extracurricular activities or your willingness to take on additional responsibilities in your current role. The key is to keep building experience in as many areas as you can to enhance your resume and make yourself more employable. This versatility in your experiences can empower you in your job search.

CV and Cover Letter

Recruiters will only spend around 6 seconds scanning a CV; the top third is what they focus on. So you need to ensure that everything that makes you suitable for the role is clear, concise, easy to read and find and contained in the top one-third of your CV.

If your CV is going to be pushed through an applicant tracking system, you need to understand what the job role entails thoroughly so you can ensure it passes the past, is moved to the next stage, and is not screened out.

You can work with professional CV writers to help you perfect your CV and cover letter. Remember, it needs to be explicit to each job role and employer you apply for, not a generic cover, enabling you to tweak your resume and ensure it meets the requirements and doesn’t end up in the recycle bin.


Employers go to social media to discover more about you, who you are and what type of person they can expect to deal with if they employ you. You need to put out the image that employers in your sector are looking for and want to employ.

This means removing anything too controversial on your social media platforms that could be off-putting for employers and, more importantly, having a solid LinkedIn profile, especially for those looking for more corporate roles.

Your LinkedIn profile needs to detail your education, working history, and anything relevant that makes you attractive to employers and recruiters. A solid LinkedIn profile can be a powerful tool in your job search, so make sure it’s current and presents you in the best possible light.


Networking is vital to helping you move through your desired industry and make a name for yourself. You don’t even need to be on the hunt for a new position to network; doing so can open up opportunities when you’re ready and put your name on the lips of people in charge of hiring decisions.

Find events within your sector or preferred sector if you’re not already in it, get to know those in power, and create a professional image that supports your skills and knowledge to get a foot in the door of where you want to go.


Being able to be found by recruiters or visible where companies are advertising is vital. You need to have an up-to-date CV and profile on all the major and niche boards in your industry so you can put yourself where you know you can be found and where you can find your next position even if you’re not actively searching.

Diversity Employment opportunities can alert you to job roles and positions that are perfect for your talents and introduce you to employers hiring for someone with your capabilities. This diversity in employment opportunities can open up new possibilities and keep you optimistic and open-minded in your job search.

Brush Up On Skills and Knowledge

Being at the top of your game means that you’re looking to learn more and know more. The more you know, the more well-placed you are to perform in your chosen career role or sector. Make it your business to know about the business you currently work for, the company you would like to join, the industry and markets as a whole, and any innovations ready to disrupt the sector. Keep improving your skills and knowledge to stay ahead in your career. This continuous improvement can keep you motivated and proactive in your job search.

From here, you can work on developing your skills to help you take control of advanced technology or new methodologies for how you work. Practical skills, technical knowledge, soft skills, and creative thinking are all valued by employers, and having these things in your arsenal can put you head and shoulders above your employment competitors.

Becoming the perfect candidate means that you need to be focused on improving who you are, what you do, and your professional capacities to ensure that employers are chomping at the bit to get you to work for their company. With the job, making highly competitive, being an attractive candidate is about more than using the right buzzwords on your CV or knowing how to do your job. It’s about delivering yourself as a carefully wrapped package that can be delivered in your chosen job role.

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