
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Planning an IT Strategy



Questions to Ask Yourself Before Planning an IT Strategy

Ever wanted to create your own business but got stuck at the technology part? Don’t worry–we know how daunting it can be. There are lots of different things to consider when putting together a business–so much so that it can be easy to forget different aspects of business. Technology is something that you either have a lot of experience with, or you’d rather hand it off to someone else. Continue reading “Questions to Ask Yourself Before Planning an IT Strategy”

7 Travel Traumas (and How to Avoid Them)

7 Travel Traumas (and How to Avoid Them)

If there’s one thing travel should never be, it’s traumatic, but let’s face it, so many of us have had our vacations turn out more “National Lampoon’s Vacation” than “Eat, Pray, Love.” When you step out of your usual environment, things can and do go wrong, and they can ruin your trip completely, which is why we are going to look at some common travel traumas, and what you can do to avoid them, below. Continue reading “7 Travel Traumas (and How to Avoid Them)”

Are You Holding Yourself Back from your Dream Career? Find out Here

Are You Holding Yourself Back from your Dream Career? Find out Here

Like any big change in life, people are often hesitant to close one chapter and then open another. At the end of the day, transitions are not easy but what often stops people from even debating a change is limiting beliefs. 77% of employees are happier when they change careers, and 69% of them feel more fulfilled too. If you feel as though you are ready to make a change but feel as though something is holding you back then the only thing you have to do is take a look below. Continue reading “Are You Holding Yourself Back from your Dream Career? Find out Here”

Using Traditional Marketing To Funnel Social Media Traffic

Using Traditional Marketing To Funnel Social Media Traffic

We’ve seen the landscape of marketing change dramatically over the past decade or so, with digital platforms taking center stage. Yet, there’s something undeniably powerful about traditional marketing methods. Some real magic can happen when you blend these age-old strategies with the dynamism of social media. Let’s look at some ways this fusion can create an amazing funnel to drive traffic to your social media channels. Continue reading “Using Traditional Marketing To Funnel Social Media Traffic”

Are You Doing Enough To Protect Your Eye Health?

Are You Doing Enough To Protect Your Eye Health?

As we get older, we become a lot more prone to a wide range of different health-altering factors and conditions. If you’re over 50, then one of those aspects of your health that you might find starting to change is that of your eyesight. Here, we’re going to look at how you can do more to protect your eyes, to adapt to any change, and to keep them as healthy as possible, going forward. Continue reading “Are You Doing Enough To Protect Your Eye Health?”

5 Simple Steps to Self-Empowerment

5 Simple Steps to Self-Empowerment

Taking the time to empower yourself is so important. It gives you self-worth and gives you the confidence to take on challenges in your life. Feeling empowered can come from many sources, but it’s important to give yourself self empowerment. So, if you’ve been lacking that feeling lately, you’re probably looking for ways to get it back. Let’s take a look at some of those ways now. Continue reading “5 Simple Steps to Self-Empowerment”