Want to be a SOCIALpreneur? A SOCIALpreneur is someone who uses social media or some sort of online presences to build their brand through social selling, social marketing and more. Well The SOCIALpreneur Podcasts is bringing you experts in social media, social selling, and beyond as well as people who work with experts in theses fields. In this podcast I will be interviewing SOCIALpreneurs. Examples are Influencers, Motivational Speakers, PR and Marketing professionals, Entrepreneurs…..the list goes on!
Let me know if there is anyone in particular you would like to hear from by emailing me at [email protected] and put SOCIALpreneur Podcast in the subject line. What to know more about Alli click here.
Find The SOCIALpreneur Podcast on YouTube below by clicking each graphic, on Apple Podcast (here), Google Podcast (here) and Spotify (here).
Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four