Oh Happy Day!! I thought I would start the week off with some business motivation. As an entrepreneur myself, I am all about supporting small businesses. Which for me means helping them get to where they need to be digitally. So since I have had a couple questions about my book The Business of Blogging and Social Media Influencing, I decided to write a post about some of the details you can expect to read inside. Continue reading “The Business of Blogging”
Apps I Can’t Live Without for My Business

Do you ever look at others and wonder what apps they use to help them within their business?
Fortunately, several apps and tools are available, helping you to stay ahead of the competition, which is important to the success of any business. Indeed, technology is paving the way for many enterprises, and you can also enjoy the benefits. These effective tools are indispensable in a digital world where apps are the order of the day. Many of these digital resources are for monitoring, creating, and tracking project progress. Others, like the ISNetworld RAVS self-service app, are for safety compliance. So, what do you use?